21st December 2024

Search Deanshanger Parish Council

Serving the people of Deanshanger

Emergency Services
Emergency: 999
Non-Emergency: 101
Thames Valley Police Headquarters and Control Room Covering South Northamptonshire Area
101 State who you are and ask for Control room Inspector (Oscar1)
Fire & Rescue Service Emergency: 999
Northants Fire and Rescue 01604 797000

Ambulance Service Emergency: 999
East Midlands Ambulance Service 0115 884 5000

Activation and Emergency Planning
WNC Emergency Planning unit 0300 1261012 Duty phone 07885 292851

Parish Council Offices 01908 566373
Deanshanger Good Neighbours -goodneighbours@deanshangerpc.com

Flooding and forecasting
Environment Agency Flood line 0845 9881188 (Flood line)
01491 828325 (Flood Incident Management)
0800 80 70 60 (Incident hotline)
03708506506 (to progress chase an incident report).

Flooding Incidents - Rivers
Environment Agency 08708 506506 General Enquiries
Met Office 0870 9000100
Flash Warnings 0207 204 7451
Early Warnings 01344 856264 Meteorological Forecasting
Sign up to receive Flood line warnings https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings Flood warnings
Flood warning web pages https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings
WNC Highways 03001267000 (select option 4 then option 2)
01604 651074 (out of hours).
For highways issues
WNC Environmental Health Dept 03001267000 (select option 3 then option 2)
Environmental Health Concerns
Internal Drainage Board (Bedford Group) Duty Officer 07764 239 891
Non-emergency Mon-Fri Office Hours 01234 767995 Advice

Anglian Water 08457 145 145
https://www.anglianwater.co.uk/help-and-advice/report-an-issue/ Non-domestic water leaks
Western Power 0800 6783 105

0800 096 3080 Power Supply Issues

General Enquires
British Gas 0800 111 999
If you can smell burning or there's smoke coming from your electrics – call 999 immediately. Gas Leaks
BT 0800 023 2023 (option 1)
Openreach want to know if any part of their network (outside the boundary of your property) has the potential to be a danger to the general public.
• Damaged underground cables (typically caused by mechanical diggers in built-up areas)
• Loose cables or cables dangling from telephone poles
• Damaged green cabinets or cabinets with open doors
• Damaged telephone poles
• Loose, cracked or missing manhole covers
• Unsafe Openreach worksites

Stonedean Doctors Surgery 01908 261155

Stony Medical Centre The Health Centre, Market Square, Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes MK11 1YA
01908 260382

NHS Non-Emergency 111

Milton Keynes University Hospital Standing Way, Eaglestone, Milton Keynes MK6 5LD
01908 660033

Northampton General Hospital
Cliftonville, Northampton NN1 5BD
01604 634700

West Northants Council Highways Fix my Street
0300 126 7000 (option 4 then 2) between 8:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday
01604 651074 outside of these hours.
Road issues

Deanshanger Primary School The Green, Deanshanger, Milton Keynes MK19 6HJ
01908 268920

The Elizabeth Woodville School (South)
Stratford Road
Deanshanger, Milton Keynes
MK19 6HN
01908 563468

Local media Services
BBC Radio Northampton Frequency: 104.2 FM, 103.6FM, DAB, Freeview channel 734 – RDS = BBC Nhtn

Media, Warning, Information

MK Radio Frequency: 106.3 MHz
Heart Radio Frequency: 103.3 MHz; RDS Name: HEART_MK
96.6 MHz; RDS: HEART___
Citizen Newspaper https://www.miltonkeynes.co.uk/news
News desk: 01908372279
Northampton Chronicle & Echo https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/
News desk: 01604 467032

Animal Welfare
RSPCA Visit Rspca.org.uk
For emergencies if an animal is in urgent need
03001234 999

Emotional Support Services
Samaritans 24 Hours Call 116123 for free helpline Emotional support to individuals in crisis
Holy Trinity Church 01908 567562 contact@htchurch.org
Pastoral Care
Deanshanger Methodist Church 01908 312043 margaretgoodall@btinternet.com

General Support
Deanshanger Good Neighbours 01908 566373
0753 415 0044 Community support network

Last updated: Wed, 09 Feb 2022 12:00