21st December 2024

Search Deanshanger Parish Council

Serving the people of Deanshanger

The Community Resilience Pathfinder aims to facilitate community-led improvements in resilience and preparedness amongst communities who are at risk of surface water flooding in Northamptonshire. Deanshanger Parish Council have been accepted on this project.

A flood report has been undertaken and a copy can be found below. Please note it is in 8 parts. The report highlighted potential flood mitigation works that could be undertaken with a view to reducing the amount of water coming into Deanshanger and speeding up the water leaving Deanshanger. This is a major project with potential costs of £100,00 something neither DPC or WNC could undertake, however LENs will do this for us. Please see the LENs page for more information.

In the meantime DPC has received £3,000 to help with flood mitigation projects. We are formulating a small works maintenance plan based on the finding from the report and will use some of the money received to carry out this maintenance.

If you would be interested in volunteering for a maintenance work party, please contact the clerk on clerk@deanshangerpc.com

Last updated: Thu, 09 May 2024 11:07