21st December 2024

Search Deanshanger Parish Council

Serving the people of Deanshanger

Who we are & what we do


To make the village the best it can be, for all residents, to live and work


- Strive to understand the needs of the residents and organisations within the parish, respect their views, seek to address these needs within the resources and powers available, always for the majority.

- Communicate in a positive, transparent and cordial manner through all media available, encouraging residents to engage with life in the village and the decisions that affect it

Strive to provide best value for money and high-quality services and facilities where they are within our remit and fight for the village to receive them when they are provided by others.

- Preserve, develop and support leisure and community activities and facilities, including open spaces and natural environments which are practical, affordable and desirable

- To build a sense of community, village spirit, togetherness and inclusiveness through all our actions

- Be committed to sustainable and environmentally friendly policies and actions including minimising waste, saving energy and promoting recycling.

Our website includes a wealth of information about how we conduct business and what we do. Use the search or browse the site to find whatever you are looking for. If you can't find the information you require then please contact us: email: clerk@deanshangerpc.com or telephone on 01908 566373

You can also reach us on Facebook by using the buttons on the right hand side of our home page.

Deanshanger Parish Council is not responsible for street repairs and these should be reported to Northamptonshire Highways via Fix me Street. You can use the button on the right hand side.

For a list of Useful Telephone numbers please click here.

Deanshanger Parish Council consists of 13 Councillors who serve for a four year term. All Councillors reside within the Parish and are holders of a public office.

The Parish Office is located at The Old School House, 3 Hayes Road, Deanshanger, MK19 6HP.

Council Meetings - see the diary of meetings for more information.

For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Office who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Mission statement

Mission Statement

...to promote Deanshanger as a pleasant place to live and work

The Parish Council aims to:

  • be transparent, and informative on village matters by all appropriate means
  • understand the needs of residents, and to seek to address these needs within the resources and powers available
  • give value for money for the services and facilities provided by the Council to the village community
  • preserve open spaces for the enjoyment of all and ensure that there are adequate leisure and recreational opportunities that meet local requirements
  • encourage the preservation, promotion and conservation of natural environment
  • promote the saving of energy and to use resources in a manner which aims to achieve the best economic value
  • encourage all to participate in activities beneficial to the community, especially in those areas which promote inclusivity and cohesion

Parish Councillors

Councillor Attendance

Parish Council Elections

Our Councillors are elected or co-opted. If you would like to become a Councillor or find out more about what they do then please have a look at the attached document.

We currently have 2 vacancies on the council which can be filled by co-option.

Alternatively please contact the clerk who will be happy to help.


Our committees have specific tasks and can have delegated powers.

Deanshanger Parish Council Standing Orders

Our Staff

We have one member of staff and a village technician that work together to deliver the range of services we provide.

We also engage a maintenance contractor to maintain the grass and hedges throughout the village.

The Clerk can be contacted through our office on 01908 566373 or clerk@deanshangerpc.com

Your other local representatives

Member of Parliament

Rt. Hon Andrea Leadsom

Last updated: Fri, 01 Mar 2024 15:14